The city’s Vision Zero Task Force is using a new audit process to examine roadways and identify needed improvements following several serious and fatal crashes on Rockville roads last fall.

The visual inspection audit includes assessing pavement markings, signs, sidewalks, roadway quality and traffic signals on roadways where crashes occur.
The audit is conducted before the Montgomery County Department of Police’s Collision Reconstruction Unit files its report, which examines the crash environment and circumstances. The CRU is examining fatal collisions on Oct. 28 and Dec. 1 on Rockville Pike (MD 355), north of the intersection at Talbott Street, and a collision that resulted in serious injury Nov. 14 on East Gude Drive, south of the Taft Court/Taft Street intersection.
City Department of Public Works staff completed a visual inspection on East Gude Drive between Southlawn Lane and Norbeck Road (MD 28), and along Rockville Pike from Edmonston Drive to Country Club Road. Staff identified the need for refreshing crosswalks and stop bars along East Gude Drive at Rothgeb Drive and Southlawn Lane, and refreshing pavement markings at East Gude Drive and Norbeck Road, Rockville Pike and Talbott Street, and at Rockville Pike and Country Club Road. Staff also recommended replacing a “Share the Road” sign at 1100 Rockville Pike and inspected signals at the intersection of East Gude Drive and Taft Court/Taft Street, finding that all traffic signals and pedestrian signals were working properly.
Staff added pavement markings at East Gude Drive and Rothgeb Drive to its list for restriping and notified the State Highway Administration of the need for pavement marking restriping and sign replacement along Rockville Pike, which is a state road.
In addition to the engineering improvements, audits will identify whether additional police enforcement or public notifications are necessary.
The task force, comprising staff from the city’s Department of Public Works, police department and public information office, meets regularly to discuss progress on the city’s Vision Zero Action Plan.
The Mayor and Council adopted a Vision Zero plan in 2020 to eliminate traffic- and pedestrian-related deaths and serious injuries. Learn more at