A $350,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources will help the City of Rockville retrofit the Mt. Vernon Stormwater Management Facility.
The facility is in the Cabin John Creek Watershed, near Richard Montgomery High School. It was originally designed and constructed in 1980, at a time when little thought was given to water quality, and was first retrofitted in 2003. This latest project addresses sediment buildup from the last 16 years.
The city will expand the water quality treatment capacity by deepening portions of the pond to restore and enhance the treatment of stormwater. Doing so helps prevent erosion and flooding downstream. It also reduces pollution in local tributaries that flow to the Chesapeake Bay. The grant is funded through the state’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund. Construction is scheduled to be completed this fiscal year, which ends June 30. The city will also identify and remove non-native and invasive plants within Mt Vernon Park, from Fleet Street to Mt Vernon Place.
For more information about the project, contact Diron Baker, Rockville project manager, at 240-314-8533 or [email protected].
Visit RockvilleReports.com/city-is-ahead-of-stormwater-management-goals to learn more about the city’s progress toward its stormwater management goals.
City Awarded State Grant for Mt. Vernon Stormwater Project
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Rockville Reports is the official publication of the City of Rockville, published at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850-2364.