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City Makes Bus Stop Improvements Across Rockville

A city contractor is completing 58 bus stop improvement projects this spring, bringing freestanding bus shelters, benches and other improvements to bus stops citywide.

The improvements, which began with concrete work in March, include constructing seven Americans with Disabilities Act-required concrete wheelchair landing pads, replacing 28 shelter benches that were not ADA compliant, and installing missing shelter benches, freestanding benches and leaning rails, and larger shelters at high-activity stops, as well as relocating trash cans and other equipment to remove sidewalk and shelter obstructions.

The contractor completed concrete work in March at bus stops on:

  • Maryland Avenue at two stops at Monument Street and at Great Falls Road.
  • Stonestreet Avenue at Spring Avenue.
  • Veirs Mill Road at Edmonston Drive.
  • Halpine Road at Rockville Pike.
  • Seven Locks Road at two stops at Twin Oaks Drive and at Fortune Terrace.
  • Wootton Parkway at Glen Mill Road.
  • Stonestreet Avenue at Spring Avenue.

Scheduled work includes concrete work to install freestanding benches during the first week of May and shelter replacements at the end of May at bus stops along Frederick Road/Rockville Pike, Jefferson Street, Research Boulevard and Wootton Parkway. Work will continue into June. The contractor will post signs at bus stops notifying users when construction will begin.

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