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City to Mark 9/11 Anniversary with Mayoral Remarks at Memorial Ceremony

The City of Rockville will mark the 23rd anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks and remember county residents who lost their lives with a ceremony at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11 at Courthouse Square Park, at the corner of East Jefferson Street and Maryland Avenue in Rockville’s downtown.

Courthouse Square Park

The ceremony, which is free and open to the public, will include a presentation of colors and remarks by Rockville Mayor Monique Ashton.

The 9/11 memorial at Courthouse Square Park remembers the 11 Montgomery County residents who lost their lives on Sept. 11: William E. Caswell, Dr. Gerald P. Fisher, Capt. Lawrence D. Getzfred, Michele M. Heidenberger, Angela M. Houtz, Teddington H. Moy, Lt. Darin H. Pontell, Scott A. Powell, Todd H. Reuben, Patricia J. Statz and Ernest M. Willcher.

The memorial, commissioned by the Montgomery County Arts and Humanities Council and designed by artists Gene and Susan Flores, includes a grassy area circled by 11 benches – one dedicated to each victim, with an inscription related to that person’s character. It also includes a plaque, covered by two doors, bearing the victims’ names. The artists worked with astronomers to design the memorial so that on Sept. 11 the morning sun briefly illuminates each name.

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