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Matching Grant Program Seeks Projects to Improve Communities — Applications Open Nov. 4 

The city’s matching grant program helps neighbors work together to accomplish common goals that support the health, vitality and inclusivity of the place they call home. Community Empowerment Matching Grant applications will open Monday, Nov. 4. The application deadline is Friday, Jan. 17. 

Neighborhood, civic or homeowners associations, community groups, organized groups of neighbors and student groups are eligible to apply. Neighbors and organizations willing to match funding through cash, in-kind donations, and volunteer hours are also eligible. 

Applications are reviewed and grants awarded by the City Manager’s Office. Grants typically range from $500-$1,000, must benefit a clearly identified area within city limits, and may address any or all of the following objectives: 

  • Building community: Projects that promote the development or sustainability of a neighborhood association or community group. Activities that foster diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Community improvement projects: Projects that improve shared space within a neighborhood or strengthen community identity. This may include landscape improvements and maintenance, natural features management, benches, painting or certain exterior improvements. Bonus points will be awarded if two or more groups work together on a project. 
  • Livability initiatives: Projects that provide educational and outreach opportunities that strengthen social connections between neighbors or neighborhoods. This may include improving safety, addressing a neighborhood challenge or conflict, serving low-income seniors, or finding ways to welcome newcomers to Rockville. 

For additional information, contact Abe Bruckman at 240-314-8111 or [email protected]

To see the objectives for matching grants, and for an application form and additional information, visit

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