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Rockville and Shady Grove Metro Stations to Reopen Jan. 16

Metro’s Rockville and Shady Grove stations will reopen Sunday, Jan. 16 after a four-month shutdown to repair and replace the stations’ aging canopies, Metro announced.

During the closures, Metro demolished the canopy at the Rockville station, erected a new steel canopy structure, and made improvements that include installation of new information screens, brighter lighting, modern fare gates, higher-quality announcement speakers and new closed-circuit television cameras. The Park and Ride has been repaved for safer, more accessible parking.  At Shady Grove, the platform canopy, roof and escalators are being repaired, and modernized fare gates are being installed.

Parking remains available free-of-charge, but is limited, at the Shady Grove and Rockville stations while the stations are closed. Free shuttle buses are being provided during the closures, connecting the Shady Grove, Rockville and Twinbrook stations. The Twinbrook station remains open. Red Line trains are operating between Twinbrook and Glenmont at normal service levels.

While the stations will be open in January, the canopies will provide cover for customers but will remain temporarily unfinished until Metro determines the best type of exterior cladding needed to complete the project, it said.

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