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Be Salt Wise in Winter

In the winter, salt keeps us safe while we are on the move, but it also leads to higher levels of salt in the region’s drinking water supply.

Remember: More salt isn’t always best. Scatter deicer and leave space between the grains only after shoveling and clearing pavement. Sweep up any that is left after the snow and ice melt.

Did you know?

  • A 12-ounce coffee mug full of salt is enough to treat a 20-foot driveway or 10 sidewalk squares.
  • When pavement temperatures drop below 15 degrees, salt won’t work.
  • A deicer with calcium magnesium acetate is the most eco-friendly deicer.

Find tips for how to be salt smart in winter from the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission at or by searching #wintersaltsmart on social media. Learn more at

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