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Prescription Drug Drop Box Debuts at Rockville City Police Station

Box is Available 24/7, Permanently Located in the Station’s Front Lobby

Residents can now safely dispose of unused, unwanted or expired medication, with no questions asked, in a new prescription drug drop box in the front lobby of the Rockville City Police Station, 2 W. Montgomery Ave.

Resembling a mailbox, the drop box accepts prescription medication and over-the-counter medication in the form of pills, tablets, capsules, patches and pet medication.

Medication should be in their original containers or in a sealed plastic bag, with name labels and other identifying information removed or blacked out if possible. Liquids or syringes are not accepted. This free, anonymous service is available to the public 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The permanent drug drop box is an extension of the National Drug Take Back Days held in October and April each year. In recent years, the Rockville City Police Department has collected unwanted medication through a drive-up and drop-off collection in the police station’s parking lot, with all medication collected destroyed by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.

The permanently secured box is under 24/7 video surveillance. All medications will be destroyed after collection.

RCPD Prescription Drug Drop Box
Rockville City Police Station Lobby, 2 W. Montgomery Ave.


• Prescription medication.

• Prescription patches.

• Over-the-counter medication.

• Vitamins.

• Pet medication.

Not Accepted:

• Liquids or lotions.

• Hydrogen peroxide.

• Inhalers.

• Aerosol cans.

• Needles/sharps/EpiPens.

• Thermometers.

• Medication from businesses or clinics. (Box is for medication from residents only.)

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