Celebrate Walktober this month in Rockville by experiencing our city on foot and transit while playing bingo.
Walktober presents a wonderful opportunity to walk while the weather is still warm. Pedestrian Bingo, sponsored by the Rockville Pedestrian Advocacy Committee, provides a way to experience the city just as people who regularly walk Rockville do.
Find a Pedestrian Bingo card on RPAC’s webpage at www.rockvillemd.gov/rpac. Once you do, use your feet to hit the city’s streets, completing activities such as walking to a city park, taking transit or searching for a neighborhood that’s missing a sidewalk.
Once you call “Bingo!” after completing the activities in each square, bring your card to City Hall or contact pedestrian and bicycle coordination Bryan Barnett-Woods at [email protected] to get an “I Walk Rockville” button.