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2022 Rockville Holiday Drive is Officially Underway

For Close to 50 Years, Drive has Encouraged Heartfelt Giving

For nearly a half century, through the Holiday Drive, Rockville has sponsored outreach that brings the community together each year to provide food baskets, gift certificates and toys to needy Rockville families throughout the Thanksgiving and December holidays.

Here are some ways you can make a difference in 2022:

  • Send a tax-deductible contribution (checks can be made payable to the City of Rockville, with Rockville Holiday Drive Fund in the memo line, and sent to 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.) Donations help Rockville buy healthy food options for individuals and families.
  • Organize a canned food drive (with a focus on healthier food like low-sodium beans and soups, no-sugar-added canned fruits and whole-wheat pasta).
  • Pack or deliver Thanksgiving food baskets.
  • Organize a toy or book drive to collect new unwrapped toys or books (new books for children of all ages, including teenagers, are needed).
  • Donate $15 Giant Food gift certificates or $25 Target gift certificates.
  • The Holiday Drive relies entirely on monetary contributions, donated food and new toys from local individuals, schools, businesses and organizations.
  • You can donate food at City Hall and city recreation facilities until Friday, Nov. 11 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
  • Make a cash donation online at
  • Food, toys and gift cards distributed by the Holiday Drive are donated or purchased using donated funds. All donations of money and goods are tax deductible.

For more information, contact Frederika Granger at [email protected].

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Rockville Reports is the official publication of the City of Rockville, published at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.