The fourth open session of Rockville 2040, held June 14 at VisArts, capped an intense public engagement process that included a kickoff meeting, 35 listening sessions and three citywide forums.
The meetings, part of the ongoing process to update the city’s comprehensive master plan, attracted more than 100 citizens who joined city officials and staff to think about Rockville’s future.
Participants worked in groups, generating more than 500 ideas on master plan elements, including land use, housing, community facilities, environment, water resources, historical preservation, economic development and transportation. Based on attendees’ input, staff crafted eight to 10 policy statements for each area, for participants to review and comment on during the fourth meeting. Staff also encouraged attendees to draw their vision for Rockville’s future on table-sized maps — one for the entire city, one for Montgomery College in relation to Town Center, one for Town Center as it connects to the Rockville Metro station and the city’s east side, and one for the Veirs Mill corridor.
Though the meetings have ended, the work has not. Staff will present a report on the sessions to the Planning Commission in July. For more, visit or sign up for notifications by emailing [email protected].