A limited amount of scholarships for recreation program fees are available to Rockville residents aged 18 and younger.
Participants must pay $15 toward each program fee, unless otherwise specified. The fund covers the balance of the fees, up to $100 maximum per person, per session (fall, winter, spring, summer); $150 maximum per youth for the camp session; $1,000 maximum per family, per year, as funds permit.
Any remaining balance must be paid by the participant. Financial assistance must be applied for in-person at the time of registration.
Limited financial assistance is available for Rockville residents, ages 19 and older, based on income.
Call 240-314-8620 for an appointment. For more information, see page 54 of the winter 2018-19 “Life in Rockville” recreation activity guide at www.rockvillemd.gov/life.