Display of the City’s Big Trucks Moves to Stepanek Park
Rockville will join the American Public Works Association to celebrate National Public Works Week from Monday, May 20-Friday, May 24
The highlight of the week will be the annual Equipment Show from 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 23. This year’s show will be held at Mattie J. T. Stepanek Park, 1800 Piccard Drive, due to renovations at the Rockville Swim and Fitness Center (see page 9), where it has traditionally been held. Kids – and kids at heart – will be able to climb into the operator’s seat of some of the big trucks used by the city’s Department of Public Works.
The free show includes public works displays, demonstrations, balloons, popcorn, coloring books and other giveaways, and the chance to meet some of the public works employees who provide the important services that keep Rockville running. It features exhibits on recycling and refuse, environmental management, the city’s water treatment plant, water and sewer operations, and stormwater management. School and daycare groups are welcome.
APWA first sponsored National Public Works Week in 1960. Today, more than 28,000 APWA members in the U.S. and Canada use the week to energize and educate the public about the important contributions of public works, including planning, building, managing and operating infrastructure and services in our communities.
This year’s Public Works Week theme, “It Starts Here,” celebrates the many facets of modern civilization that public works services contribute to our quality of life, including infrastructure, growth and innovation, mobility, security and healthy communities. Follow the celebration on Facebook and Twitter at #NPWW and #ItStartsHere.
Rockville’s Department of Public Works provides water, wastewater, stormwater, streets, recycling and trash, transportation, fleet services, engineering, and environmental and right-of-way management.
To learn more about Rockville’s Department of Public Works and its celebration of National Public Works Week, visit www.rockvillemd.gov/publicworks or call 240-314-8500.