A panel of experts from the Urban Land Institute who conducted an intensive two-day study of Rockville Town Center in July has delivered a 42-page report detailing their recommendations on ways to strengthen the vitality of the 200-acre downtown area.
In the report, panelists grouped their analysis and recommendations into four categories: contextualizing Rockville; retail strategy and design; organizing stakeholders; and urgent steps and prioritization.
Among the recommendations made by the panel were: Retaining significant employers; attracting anchor uses; building density in Town Center without compromising character; strengthening relationships and connections with Montgomery College and the Montgomery County Board of Education; hiring a parking consultant; and redesigning both East Middle Lane and North Washington Street to make them friendlier to pedestrians, bikers, drivers and others.
View the report at bit.ly/ULIreport2019.
Technical Assistance Panels — or TAPs — are part of the ULI advisory program, in which several panelists from varying backgrounds and areas of expertise collaborate to tour the study area, conduct interviews, review material provided by staff, conduct their own research, and work on recommendations related to land use and economic development. The Town Center TAP included experts on planning, urban design, retail, real estate, economic development and downtown management.
Rockville Town Center comprises about 200 acres of the city, generally bounded by properties along Fleet Street to the south, South and North Washington streets along the west, and the railroad tracks to the east.
Learn more about the ULI TAP process at washington.uli.org/TAPs.