Generous contributions from more than 240 individuals, businesses, and community organizations resulted in $93,149 of food, cash, toys and gift cards for the 2019 Rockville Holiday Drive.
These contributions, and the hard work of many volunteers, enabled the city to:
- Distribute Thanksgiving food baskets and grocery store gift cards to more than 497 Rockville households.
- Treat 96 Rockville seniors to a Thanksgiving dinner.
- Provide 306 teens with a gift card to a local retailer.
- Provide 182 seniors and households without children a gift card to a local grocery store.
- Operate the city’s annual toy shop, providing over 1,686 toys, books, and games to more than 562 children under age 12 (an estimated two toys and book for each child).
- Matched 62 Rockville families — a total of 246 individuals — with sponsors who provided gifts tailored to each family’s specific needs through the family sponsorship program.
Monetary donations are accepted for the Holiday Drive year ‘round. For more information, visit