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Mayor and Council to Hold
Hearing on Annual Federal Grant

Applications for Community Development Block Grants Due in September

Applications for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for Fiscal Year 2019 will be available July 18 on the City of Rockville’s website. The allocation process for the grants begins this summer.

CDBG provides federal funding for housing and community development programs that benefit low- and moderate-income people. Rockville’s CDBG funding comes through Montgomery County.

The city will hold a public hearing on community needs on Sept. 11 and begin a competitive grant application process for nonprofit organizations and government entities to apply for funds. Grant applications are due by Sept. 15. The proposals will be reviewed and prioritized by city staff and forwarded, with recommendations, to Mayor and Council for review and approval this fall.

Interested community members and organizations should check Mayor and Council agendas in July at and visit for updated information on the grant application.

For more information, contact Asmara Habte, chief of housing programs, at 240-314-8203 or [email protected].

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