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Impersonations and ‘Sassy’ Chamber
Music Feature at Gallery Openings

Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash and Dean Martin are among the characters who will help open Glenview Mansion Art Gallery’s July-August exhibition’s opening reception — in the person of impersonator Billy Finch and his act, “Legends.”

The Sunday, July 9 reception begins at 1:30 p.m., with Finch taking the stage at 2, ably assisted by the talented Minerva.

The exhibition runs until Aug. 19 and features:

  • Brad Blair: ceramic creatures.
  • Marleen Van den Neste: street photography.
  • Jack Martinelli: new works.
  • Magdalena Bajll: photography, “Door to Tunisia.”

District5 Quintet, a daring, passionate and a little sassy chamber wind ensemble will be the Aug. 27 Sunday Afternoon Concert. The new exhibition opens at 1:30 p.m. District5 begins its performance at 2.

On display until Oct. 6 are:

  • Chet Stein: nature photography.
  • Tinam Valk: layered, mixed-media images.
  • Donna McGee: richly colored abstracts.
  • Xiaosheng Bi: fine porcelain sculpture.

These events are free and open to the public. No tickets or reservations are required. For more information, email Julie at [email protected] or visit

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