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And the Kindness Challenge Award Goes to …

Beall Elementary School students showed their compassionate sides in October, winning the City of Rockville’s Kindness Challenge. The school won $600 from the city and the Rockville Recreation and Parks Foundation to support its students.

Kindness Challenge award-winning class photo.
Students from Carolina DeVriendt’s third-grade class at Beall Elementary.

The challenge, sponsored by Rockville’s Community Services Division, asked elementary schools to complete kind acts, such as doing a household chore without being asked, thanking a bus driver or teacher and saying something nice to five people.

Overall, 159 Beall students took part. Teacher Carolina DeVriendt’s third-grade class won an ice cream party from the city by having 23 students participate — the most of any class in the school.

On Oct. 2, Rockville’s Mayor and Council proclaimed October Bullying Prevention Month, joining a national campaign to address bullying behavior.

For more information on bullying and bullying prevention, visit

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