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Applicants Wanted for Task Force on City Boards and Commissions

The Mayor and Council are seeking community members to serve on a task force that will study the city’s boards and commissions.

Over six to nine months, the Boards and Commissions Task Force will review the Rockville City Charter and Code and provide a report to the Rockville Mayor and Council. The task force’s work will include examining the effectiveness, necessity, structure, membership definitions and work plan of each city board or commission.

Boards and commissions play an important role in city government, providing the Mayor and Council with informed public opinions, thoughts and ideas that help shape the city. The Mayor and Council want to ensure that boards and commissions remain relevant to the city and to the Mayor and Council. They believe that board and commission members’ efforts should complement those of city staff and elected officials, and that their expertise and experience should be fully utilized in formulating city policies and practices, whenever possible.

The task force will review enabling legislation for each board or commission and propose revisions to ensure clarity and understanding of the scope of their work. It will identify gaps or overlaps between boards and commissions and recommend continuing, repurposing, merging, eliminating or adding boards or commissions. It will also review membership requirements and determine whether eligibility requirements or expertise should be required for appointment.

Up to 13 task force members will be appointed by the Mayor and Council. The task force could include, but is not limited to, former mayors and councilmembers; current or past members of boards and commissions serving Rockville or another organization; and members of the community at large. When practical, members will be Rockville residents or people who work or do business in Rockville.

For more information and to apply visit or contact City Clerk/Director of Council Operations Kathleen Conway at [email protected] or 240-314-8280.

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