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Baltimore Road Project Enters New Construction Phase

Safety and access improvements continue to take shape along Baltimore Road, with construction continuing in September between Edmonston Drive and Avery Road and from Twinbrook Parkway to across from the Rockville High School driveway.

City contractors were scheduled to begin installing storm drain structures and pipe and concrete curb and gutter in late August between Edmonston Drive and Avery Road.

In addition, crews were to begin work on a pervious shared-use path, curb and gutter, and new concrete curb ramps on Baltimore Road’s south side, from Twinbrook Parkway to across from the Rockville High School driveway.

Impacts will include lane closures with flagger operations during the day, temporary driveway closures and construction noise. Be aware of signs marking a pedestrian detour and providing instructions for drivers. In the case of a driveway closure, property owners will be notified 72 hours in advance.

Roadway resurfacing between First Street and Edmonston Drive is also planned for the fall.

Over the summer, contractors completed several improvements on the block between Woodburn Road and Edmonston Drive, including construction of the storm drain system, water line relocations, curb and gutter installation, and shared-use path and sidewalk installation.

To learn more, visit

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