Baltimore Road has reopened to vehicle and pedestrian traffic between Gladstone and Broadwood drives as construction continues to improve safety and access along the corridor between Rockville Town Center and the city’s east side.
The road had been closed between Gladstone and Broadwood drives since June while a city contractor replaced the roadway culvert at the stream crossing near Rockville Cemetery, relocated water lines, installed storm drain connections and restored the stream.
Contractors expect to complete base paving, sidewalk installation and restoration on the block of Baltimore Road between Denham and Woodburn roads by mid-December. Crews have already installed storm drain pipe and inlets, new curb and gutter, and pervious sidewalks along the roadway between First Street and Woodburn Road.

Crews continue to install new sanitary sewer along westbound Baltimore Road, on the roadway’s north side, between Woodburn Road and Edmonston Drive. Relocating the sewer, which is designed to avoid conflicts with the proposed storm drain, is expected to be completed by the end of January. Project progress is dependent on weather and supply-chain issues, which delayed the reopening of the previously closed segment of roadway.
Storm drain and sidewalks between Woodburn Road and Edmonston Drive will be installed during a future phase of the project. Residents will be notified before that work begins. Roadway resurfacing will be one of the final steps of the project, which is expected to be completed in spring 2022.
Learn more at www.rockvillemd.gov/baltimoreroadproject.