April is Flood Awareness Month. Anywhere it can rain, it can flood. With the arrival of the rainy spring season, follow these tips to know the risk and be prepared to reduce the impact of potential flooding:
• Insure your property. Flood damage isn’t covered by standard homeowners’ insurance policies and is expensive. An inch of floodwater can cause more than $25,000 in damage. Talk to your insurance agent about flood insurance or visit floodsmart.gov.
• Reduce Your Risk. Take steps before a flood to protect your family and home by having an emergency plan, installing a water alarm and storing important documents in a watertight box. Find more resources at www.floodsmart.gov/first-prepare-flooding.
• Take Advantage of the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program. Rockville offers up to $5,000 in matching reimbursement funds to residents and property owners who make flood protection improvements to their properties. Find program guidelines, eligibility requirements and apply at www.rockvillemd.gov/floodassistance.
• Report storm flood damage. Rockville residents or property owners who have experienced flood damage associated with severe weather can help us understand the impact of intense storms on our community. Take the Storm Flood Damage Survey and find additional resources at www.rockvillemd.gov/flooding.
For tips on solving minor drainage issues and wet yards, read “Slow It. Spread It. Sink It: A Homeowner’s Guide to Sustainable Home Drainage” at www.rockvillemd.gov/drainageguide.