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Be Safer on the Road for Longer

Drivers can learn how to stay driving for longer during a free “Staying Safe on the Roads” event cosponsored by the City of Rockville and Montgomery County.

From 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Thursday, April 2 at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre, attendees will explore ways to extend their time behind the wheel as long as possible, how to manage bike lanes, bikers and other road users, and discover a variety of ways to get where they want to go.

The event will feature Carol Wheatley, a driving rehabilitation specialist; the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration; AARP Driver Safety; and the Montgomery County Department of Transportation.

Additionally, hear presentations, visit resource tables and enjoy light refreshments. The City of Rockville’s new transportation planner, Alyssa Roff, will be on hand to meet attendees and hand out information.

The F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre is at 603 Edmonston Drive. RSVP at

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