A zoning ordinance amendment to allow breweries and distilleries in Rockville will be under discussion at a July 10 meeting of the Mayor and Council.
The amendment, if approved, would allow full production of alcoholic beverages in light and heavy industrial zones, and in the mixed-use employment zone. Limited production, such as micro-breweries and micro-distilleries, could also take place in mixed-use business, mixed-use transit district, mixed-use corridor district and mixed-use employment district zones.
A public hearing before the Mayor and Council is scheduled for Sept. 11.
APFS Alterations
Changes to Rockville’s Adequate Public Facilities Standards (APFS) have been proposed that would alter standards for school capacity and fire and emergency services response.
The APFS ensures that sufficient infrastructure is available to serve new development in Rockville, and sets standards for traffic and transportation, school capacity, fire and emergency services response, and water and sewer capacity.
A revision to the school capacity test would bring the city’s APFS standards in line with the county’s. Another revision would delete the fire and emergency services standard, as the city does not have jurisdiction over fire and emergency services.
View the full APFS with proposed revisions at http://md-rockville.civicplus.com/DocumentCenter/View/19887.
A public hearing on the revisions is scheduled for Sept. 18.