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Budget Approval to Include Vote on New 3-Year Water and Sewer Rate Plan

Increases Needed to Repair Aging Infrastructure

When the Mayor and Council vote on the Fiscal Year 2019 budget on May 14, they are scheduled to adopt water and sewer rates for the next three years that will help the city address aging water and sewer systems.

Under the proposed rates, a four-person household would see an increase in their combined annual bill of about 6 percent starting July 1, the first day of FY 2019.

The rate increases are needed for the city to repair and replace aging water and sewer pipes and other infrastructure, and make required payments to the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission related to a regional wastewater treatment plant. These rates will also help preserve the city’s overall financial position, including its triple-A bond rating, which allows Rockville to borrow money at the lowest possible interest rates.

In FY 2019, the city will begin a cost-of-service study to review options for adjusting usage rates and rate ranges by tier for different types of properties (e.g., for single-family homes, multi-unit homes and commercial properties).

For tables illustrating the annual financial impact of FY 2019 rate changes for two sample households, see page 22 of the proposed budget at

The city provides water and sewer service to 70 percent of the city, or approximately 13,000 accounts. WSSC serves the rest of the city.

Find an overview of City Manager Rob DiSpirito’s FY 2019 budget proposal at

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