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Energy Action is Climate Action

Celebrate Energy Action Month in October and Energy Efficiency Day on Wednesday, Oct. 4, and do your part to tackle climate change.

What You Can Do
Visit the Montgomery Energy Connection at to find actions, resources, activities and events for all ages to help lower utility bills, keep money in your pocket and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Learn more about Energy Efficiency Day at

Get started on a home energy assessment at for help understanding your home’s energy use and identifying ways to save money.

Switch to green power and power your home with wind or solar, without any special equipment, by choosing a green energy supplier at

This fall, Montgomery County will offer a home electrification help desk and grants for replacing fossil fuel-fired equipment with efficient electric appliances like heat pumps and hot water heaters. Take the pledge at to receive program announcements and get connected to the county’s selected electrification installer.

What the City is Doing
The city completed the second and final phase of energy efficient light-emitting diode (or LED) interior lighting upgrades on the first and third floors of City Hall and installed energy-saving window film on all south-facing windows. To do this, Rockville leveraged a $50,000 Maryland Smart Energy Communities grant from the Maryland Energy Administration and a $57,341 Pepco rebate.

Sustainability Program Manager Audra Lew joined the city’s team in July and will be managing municipal Climate Action Plan initiatives and energy-efficiency projects at city facilities.

Learn about Rockville’s Climate Action Plan, and how to contribute to the city’s efforts, at

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Rockville Reports is the official publication of the City of Rockville, published at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.