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Charged Up at Thomas Farm

The new electric vehicle charging stations at Thomas Farm Community Center are part of a network across Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.

Pepco has powered up three new electric vehicle charging stations at the city’s Thomas Farm Community Center, 700 Fallsgrove Drive.

The charging stations are part of a statewide initiative to combat air pollution and the effects of climate change and provide communities with new, cleaner transportation options. Drivers will be able to charge their vehicles at competitive rates at our first DC Fast Charging station or two Level 2 smart chargers – both of which are fueled by 100% carbon-free energy.

Rockville’s charging stations are part of an extensive charging network across Montgomery and Prince George’s counties. This initiative provides drivers flexibility and the ability to travel across the service area without worrying that they might run out of power.

Customers seeking more information on EVs or chargers should visit Here, customers can apply for EV charger rebates and explore the company’s EV toolkit, which allows customers to learn the basics of EV charging, use a savings calculator to compare the cost of gas versus electric-powered vehicles, view available state and federal tax incentives, and compare EV models.

Community members can also join Rockville’s 4th Solar Co-op, which includes an opportunity to harness group buying power to install electric vehicle chargers at homes. Learn more at

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