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City Eyes Start of Baltimore Road Improvements

Construction on a project to improve safety and access along Baltimore Road, a major east-west connection between the city’s east side and Rockville Town Center, is expected to begin later this winter.

The project will improve convenience, accessibility and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists, including pedestrian safety measures at several intersections and easier access to the Rockville Metro Station.

The long-planned project required a lengthy property acquisition process that included obtaining approvals in accordance with federal and state regulations. The city sought and was eventually awarded a $4 million Federal Highway Administration grant toward costs of the project.

On Oct. 19, the Mayor and Council awarded a $5.8 million contract for the project to Locust Lane Farms, Inc., of Upper Marlboro. The city’s Traffic and Transportation Division and the contractor held a kickoff meeting on Jan. 12, and are reviewing the project schedule to determine when construction will begin.

Improvements will include roadway resurfacing, an 8-foot-wide shared-use path that connects Rock Creek Trail and the Carl Henn Millennium Trail, completion of sidewalk gaps, pedestrian safety spot improvements, stream restoration, landscaping, stormwater management, and improved drainage through culvert replacement and new storm drains.

The project has two parts. The first part consists of roadside improvements from Town Center near the Metro station to MD 28 (First Street), which will improve pedestrian safety with curb bump outs and enhanced crossing features at Grandin Avenue and at South Horners Lane.

The second part of the project, from First Street to the city limits near Rockville High School, will include roadway repaving, and improved drainage, creation of shared-use path and sidewalks, stream restoration, and landscaping.

Project impacts will include a full closure of the road and a detour for vehicles and pedestrians at the stream crossing near Rockville Cemetery, periodic lane closures, and on-street parking restrictions. Residents should expect construction vehicles, noise, dust and temporary driveway closures. Residents and property owners will be alerted to these impacts before they occur.

Updates will be posted at, and communicated via neighborhood associations, mailings to affected residences or properties, and roadside signage, and will be included in “Rockville Reports.”

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