A drop box installed at Rockville City Hall is accepting ballots until 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5 for Maryland’s upcoming Nov. 5 presidential general election.

Note that Rockville City Hall is not an in-person polling location.
Information about the 2024 election can be found at www.elections.maryland.gov/elections/2024/index.html.
Requests for mail-in ballots can be made to the Maryland Board of Elections or the Montgomery County Board of Elections. Visit www.777vote.org for more information.
Requests for mailed or faxed mail-in ballots must be received by Tuesday, Oct. 29. Requests to receive a ballot via the internet must be received by 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1.
Visit www.montgomerycountymd.gov/elections/vote-by-mail.html to find out more about mail-in ballot requests.
Early voting will be available from Thursday, Oct. 24, to Thursday, Oct. 31 (including Saturday and Sunday). Visit voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/PollingPlaceSearch to find your polling place.