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City Honors Employees for Service

The City of Rockville held its annual employee awards ceremony, Thursday, Dec. 12 at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre.

Seventy-five employees, recognized for tenures of five to 50 years, have given 1,160 years of service to Rockville combined. Ten of those were honored with awards for more than three decades of service. They have a combined 380 years of experience working for the city.

Two employees, Clifton Vann of the Department of Recreation and Parks, and Kenneth Kiser of the Department of Public Works, were recognized with the Bill Mason Award for Outstanding Performance. The award is named for the late William “Bill” Mason, who served as an example of outstanding performance and dedicated service to the City of Rockville.

The award recognizes a hardworking employee who has demonstrated exceptionally high-quality service, straightforwardness, willingness to go the extra mile and exceptional attendance.

City of Rockville employee receiving award

Honored for 50 years of service was Fran Jablonski, with the Rockville Senior Center.

Honorees for 45 years were Betty Wisda, with Recreation and Parks; Anita Combs of the City Attorney’s Office; and Maj. Michael England, of the Rockville City Police Department.

Thirty-five-year employees recognized were Michael Shipp, of the Department of Public Works; Janet Hare, with Information Technology; and Christine Henry, with Recreation and Parks.

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