Parking Restrictions Take Effect at 10 P.M. Wednesday

The City of Rockville has declared a snow emergency that will begin at 10 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17, when a winter storm is forecast to bring an accumulation of snow and ice to the region.
The emergency declaration requires that all vehicles be removed from roads within the city, including neighborhood streets, by 10 p.m. Wednesday.
To check whether an address is within the city limits, use the interactive Address and Residency Check map at
For updates on city program cancellations or delays, visit
All vehicles should be parked in garages and driveways whenever possible, so that city crews can safely and efficiently clear snow from streets. If it is not possible to move vehicles off the road, they should be parked on the even-numbered side of the street. In courts or cul-de-sacs, parking is allowed only on the left side of the streets as one enters the cul-de-sac or court. Do not park in the bulb of the court or cul-de-sac.
To help get as many vehicles off the street as possible, city-owned parking lots will be open for residents to park their vehicles at the following locations:
- Rockville Civic Center main mansion lot, 603 Edmonston Drive.
- Woodley Gardens Park, 900 Nelson St.
- Welsh Park (Mannakee Street side only), at the corner of Martins Lane and Mannakee Street.
- Elwood Smith Community Center, 601 Harrington Road.
Vehicles illegally parked may be towed and/or ticketed.
Emergency Preparedness
The city is urging patience and preparation on the part of residents, and taking action to minimize operational delays due to health precautions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Heavy snowfall may require crews to make multiple passes to ensure roads are passable. Crews will respond as quickly and safely as possible.
Rockville requires that snow be removed from sidewalks, steps, driveways, parking spaces and similar paved areas for public use within 24 hours after a snowfall of up to three inches, within 48 hours after a snowfall of three to 10 inches, and within 72 hours after a snowfall of more than 10 inches.
Residents are asked to remove snow from around fire hydrants so that fire crews will have easier access to the hydrants in an emergency. Ice and snow should also be cleared from around storm drains. Avoid shoveling snow into the street when possible.
Residents also are encouraged to check on older neighbors who may need assistance clearing snow. Rockville seniors in need of snow removal assistance may request help by calling 240-314-8819 or 240-314-8810.
For more information about snow removal, visit
To report a power outage visit Report downed wires or trees touching a power line to Pepco at 1-877-737-2662. Be sure to stay clear of downed wires and trees touching power lines. To report a tree blocking a roadway or driveway, call 240-314-8700.
For emergencies, call 911. To report non-emergency concerns to the Rockville City Police Department, call 240-314-8900.
Updates on Rockville’s storm response, city programs and facilities and other information will also be available at, on Rockville 11 (channel 11 on county cable systems), and on the city’s Facebook page (City of Rockville) and Twitter account (@Rockville411). To receive updates on mobile devices or via email, sign up for Alert Rockville at