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City Transportation Planner Named Maryland’s Municipal Employee of the Year

Principal Transportation Planner Bryan Barnett-Woods.
Principal Transportation Planner Bryan Barnett-Woods

Bryan Barnett-Woods, a principal transportation planner with the City of Rockville, has been named the Roland B. Sweitzer Municipal Employee of the Year for the state of Maryland.

Barnett-Woods, who serves as the city’s Vision Zero coordinator and the Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation coordinator, was honored by the Maryland City and County Management Association and the Maryland Municipal League at MML’s annual conference in June in Ocean City.

Emad Elshafei, the city’s chief of traffic and transportation, nominated Barnett-Woods for the award, which recognizes high standards of professionalism in service and outstanding performance that goes over and above the employee’s job duties.

“I strongly believe that Mr. Bryan Barnett Woods is an outstanding example of a public servant,” Elshafei wrote in making the nomination. “He is hard worker, pleasant, professional, and sincerely cares about making Rockville a better place while serving the residents and visitors of the city.”

Community members who work closely with Barnett-Woods submitted letters supporting the nomination.

To explore some of Barnett-Woods’ work in action, find the city’s Vision Zero Action Plan at

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