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Communitywide Rockville 2040
Meetings Being Planned for Fall

Two large citywide meetings are planned for the fall to bring ideas generated during Rockville 2040 listening sessions and forums to the wider community. The Rockville 2040 initiative is a comprehensive process dedicated to updating the city’s Comprehensive Master Plan.

Meetings are being planned for the October and/or November timeframe (with more details to follow in a future edition of “Rockville Reports”).

An intensive period of listening sessions and citywide forums, community and stakeholder meetings have been, and continue to be, held around Rockville to review draft concepts, including discussions with the Planning Commission and other boards and commissions.

Rockville residents will be asked for their views at the fall meetings, in advance of a draft Comprehensive Master Plan being finalized and released for formal public input. The Comprehensive Master Plan’s goal is to preserve and improve the quality of life in Rockville by guiding development and conservation, and ensuring the city can provide high-quality community facilities.

Visit the Rockville 2040 website at to view presentations and sign up for email updates. For more information, email Ann Wallas at [email protected] or call 240-314-8200.

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