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County to Provide Free Tax Preparation Appointments

Montgomery County is hosting free tax preparation sessions throughout tax season for low- to moderate-income families that earned $55,000 or less in 2018.

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, which is run by the Montgomery County Community Action Agency, provides IRS-certified volunteers from nonprofit and public agencies who can help low- to moderate-income families maximize their tax refunds and credits, including the Earned-Income Tax Credit, and e-file their federal and state tax forms.

Last year, the VITA program served 1,936 individuals and families, helping these households receive almost $5 million in tax refunds, including $1.3 million in Earned-Income Tax Credit. Seventy-seven volunteers gave more than 2,100 hours to help taxpayers prepare returns, as well as providing interpretation services and serving in other roles.

Appointments in Rockville are available from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. on Wednesdays, until April 15, at the Community Action Agency, 1401 Rockville Pike, Suite 320. The program is for Montgomery County residents and by appointment only, and no walk-ins are allowed.

Schedule an appointment by calling 240-777-1123. (TTY users, call 711) or at

To find more information, including a list of additional locations throughout Montgomery County, visit or email [email protected].

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