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COVID-19: Making Your Safety Our Priority

Montgomery County remains in the second of three reopening phases, as of late August, with reopening guidelines limiting office use and encouraging telework.

With these guidelines in mind, the city is not able to welcome visitors back to City Hall or many city facilities, and no definitive date for reopening can be established at this time.

Information about the city’s response to the pandemic is available at, on social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Nextdoor), and on Rockville 11 (channel 11 on county cable). Visit to sign up for city’s email newsletter featuring city, state and county news about COVID-19. For general inquiries about city operations, call 240-314-5000.

Food Distribution
Need food during the COVID-19 emergency? Visit for a list of food resources around the county and other important information. Rockville seniors can call the senior center at 240-314- 8800, from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, for assistance with food.

Find a COVID-19 Testing Site
While Montgomery County-administered COVID-19 testing was suspended in August, most private testing sites in Montgomery County remain in operation.

For a list of testing sites in Montgomery County, visit Or, visit corona
to find a testing site near you.

For more about the suspension of county-administered testing, visit

Protecting Housing
The Mayor and Council took action to protect residential renters during the COVID-19 emergency, passing an ordinance to temporarily suspend rent increases at licensed rental properties through July 31. From Aug. 1, until 180 days after the state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is lifted, rents may be raised by no more than 2.6%. The Mayor and Council also suspended recertification requirements for the city’s moderately priced dwelling unit program until Wednesday, Sept. 30. Landlords may renew the resident lease term for one year without completing the MPDU recertification requirements.

Mental Health and Wellness
The coronavirus pandemic is causing increased stress and anxiety. The Mental Health Association of Maryland has curated a list of trusted resources to help during this unusual, and potentially difficult, time. Visit

Swim and Fitness Center and Recreational Facilities Open for Limited Use
The Rockville Swim and Fitness Center’s outdoor pools will remain open through September.

The center is open to members and city residents only, with reservations required for limited services and activities, including lap swimming at its indoor and outdoor pools, outdoor family recreational swimming, and fitness room use. Visit for full details.
Rockville’s basketball, tennis and pickleball courts, the dog park at King Farm, and playgrounds, are open. Bathrooms at outdoor facilities will remain closed except for city-sponsored programs. Fitness stations, volleyball courts and athletic fields that are not locked can be used by the public.

Visit for over 300 virtual recreation programs and activities.

Rocktobierfest and Car Show Canceled
The city’s Rocktobierfest, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 3, has been canceled. For details about virtual festivities, follow the Rocktobierfest page on Facebook. The Antique and Classic Car Show, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 17, has also been canceled.

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Rockville Reports is the official publication of the City of Rockville, published at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.