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COVID-19: Support for Neighbors in Need

Montgomery County remains in the second of three reopening phases, with reopening guidelines limiting office use and encouraging telework.

With these guidelines in mind, the city is not able to welcome visitors back to City Hall or many city facilities, and no definitive date for reopening can be established at this time.

Information about the city’s response to the pandemic is available at, on social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Nextdoor), and on Rockville 11 (channel 11 on county cable).

For general inquiries about city operations, call 240-314-5000.

Help Your Community Through the 2020 Holiday Drive
For more than four-and-a-half decades, Rockville’s Holiday Drive has helped the community’s neediest members. This year, with the need greater than ever, the drive will continue, albeit with minor changes to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Normally, the Holiday Drive collects food donations in November, for Thanksgiving, and toys in December for the gift-giving holiday season.

This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the city is requesting cash donations only that will be used to purchase gift cards for needy recipients. Giant grocery store cards will be bought in November so recipients can shop for Thanksgiving; in December, your donations will help purchase Target gift cards for the holiday.

Here’s how you can help:
Easily donate online at

Send a tax-deductible contribution check. Checks can be made payable to Rockville Holiday Drive Fund, and sent to Rockville Holiday Drive Fund, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.

In December, the Holiday Drive will be seeking sponsors to buy gifts for families in need.

For more information, contact Allison Hoy, volunteer coordinator, at 240-314-8304 or [email protected]. 

Food Distribution
Need assistance with food? Visit for a list of food resources around the county and other important information.

Rockville seniors can call the senior center at 240-314- 8800, from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Testing at Lincoln Park Community Center
The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services will provide free walk-up COVID-19 testing from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. every other Friday at Lincoln Park Community Center, 357 Frederick Ave. This outdoor clinic is subject to location changes or cancellations due to weather.

Visit or call the Testing Helpline at 240-777-1755 for more information about COVID-19 testing in Montgomery County, or find a test near you.

Help a Neighbor in Need by Donating Online
The COVID-19 crisis is unprecedented in how it is affecting our neighbors through financial hardship. If you have the means and would like to partner with the City of Rockville to help neighbors in need, consider donating today. Visit to contribute.

Mayor Newton Resumes Regular COVID Updates
Mayor Bridget Donnell Newton has resumed regular updates on Rockville’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. See the updates on the Rockville 11 YouTube channel at

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