Rockville is a great place to get around by all modes of transportation. People may drive to a park, bike to work, or walk or roll to a store. Drivers who are aware of people walking, rolling and bicycling can make traveling safer for everyone.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind for safe driving around people bicycling and walking:
- Bicyclists travel faster than you may think. Instead of speeding past them, it’s safer to be patient and let them go on ahead or to wait until there is space to pass them.
- When passing, move to the left as soon as possible and remember to leave at least three feet of space between an automobile and a bicycle.
- Remember that bicyclists are allowed to use the full travel lane. A person could choose to ride closer to the middle of the lane to avoid debris and stormwater drainage grates, the potential for opening car doors, and traffic approaching from the right.
- Make complete stops at stop signs.
- Always try to make eye contact, but keep in mind that people may not be able to make eye contact if it is dark, there is glare on the window. Never assume people see you.
- Always signal when turning. When making a right turn, check the blind spots for people bicycling through the intersection. This can help prevent “right hook” crashes.
- Remember that not everyone can just “walk around.” When parking, be sure to not encroach upon the sidewalk or curb ramp.
Find more tips for safe driving, biking and walking under “Resources” at www.rockvillemd.gov/visionzero.