Project to Create Design Guidelines for New or Expanded Single-Family Housing
East Rockville neighbors are invited to learn about a new project to promote creative and high-quality design that will encourage compatibility between new and existing homes within the East Rockville neighborhood.
A project information session will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 9 at the Pump House, 401 S. Horners Lane.
Along with a design consultant, city planning staff will be working in partnership with neighborhood residents over the next several months to identify issues, determine goals, and establish design guidance for new single-family homes and expansions to existing homes.
The project builds on recommendations from the 2004 East Rockville Neighborhood Plan to develop a guide for new construction that enhances both the physical and environmental aspects of the neighborhood. The process will be driven by the neighborhood to define the qualities of design, in both private and public areas, that make for a thriving and sustainable community.
The project would not require any changes to the homes of residents who have no plans to rebuild or expand their residences.
For additional information, or to be added to the project’s mailing list, email or call the project manager, Andrea Gilles, at [email protected] or 240-314-8273.