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Fair and Impartial Police Training Coming to Rockville

The Rockville City Police Department officers and community members will receive training in the coming months that promotes bias-free behavior in community policing.

The Justice Department’s Community Oriented Policing Services, also known as COPS, recently approved fund­ing for Fair and Impartial Policing training. In December, Rockville officers will host officers from Gaithersburg, Chevy Chase, Takoma Park, the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and the Maryland- National Capital Park Police to learn how to train police officers in FIP implicit bias training.

Early next year, trained of­ficers will lead a session with city police command staff and invited community leaders. The roundtable discussion will fo­cus on the following topics:

  • What is implicit bias?
  • How might implicit bias manifest in police and in community members?
  • What can individuals and agencies do to promote bias-free behavior?
  • What is RCPD doing to promote fair and impartial policing?

“This important program will give officers and community members tools they need to communicate better and work together to improve our city, with the overarching goal of making our community safe and resilient,” said Rockville city police Chief Victor V. Brito.

To learn more about the RCPD, visit

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