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Flooding: Know the Risks and City Resources

The city is reminding residents about flooding risks after parts of Rockville experienced devastating flooding from the remnants of Hurricane Ida, which blew through the city as a tropical depression on Sept. 1.

Forecasters predict that these extreme weather events will happen more frequently as the climate continues to change.

Standard homeowners insurance does not usually cover flood damage. Homeowners with homes in a flood-prone area should consider purchasing flood insurance. For more information, visit

Photo of floodwater flowing around a tree.
The City of Rockville encourages all property owners to consider flood insurance.

Residents may be eligible for a reimbursement from the city of up to $2,500 toward the costs of repairing property damage caused by Ida. To be eligible, the property must be within the City of Rockville corporate limits. Claims must be for the documented costs of repairs and cleanup immediately following the storm such as dewatering, pump-out, or dry-out efforts, and removal and disposal of damaged property and building materials. Claims must be submitted by Monday, Jan. 3.

Visit for more information about reimbursement claims and for resources to help residents better understand flooding risks and prepare for flash flooding events.

The webpage also includes a damage assessment survey that residents can fill out and submit to help Rockville gather information about flooding and flood damage from Ida. The survey will feed information directly to a flood mitigation planning tool and will inform the city’s evaluation of future flood mitigation options.

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