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Funding Approved by Transportation Planning Board Will Help Improve Stonestreet Avenue

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments has approved $280,000 to help improve pedestrian and bicycle connections to the Rockville Metro Station.

The grant, which comes from the Transportation Alternatives Program and was approved in July, will fund the design of street and sidewalk improvements along Park Road (between North Stonestreet Avenue and South Stonestreet Avenue) and North Stonestreet Avenue (between Park Road and Lincoln Avenue).

Improvements will include wider sidewalks, a new intersection alignment and bike lanes. The project is based on recommendations in the recently completed Stonestreet Corridor Study, which featured extensive public outreach.

The planning board approved funding for four projects in Maryland, including Rockville’s, that will receive $688,232 in funding through the Transportation Alternatives Program.

From more on regional transportation projects that will receive funding, visit

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