Explore the architecture of the Montgomery County Detention Center this month as the Glenview Mansion and Peerless Rockville Speaker Series presents “The Montgomery County Detention Center: Modernizing the Carceral State.”
Architectural historian Teresa Lachin will present a history of the facility at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 9 at Glenview Mansion at Rockville Civic Center Park, 603 Edmonston Drive.
Built in 1961, the detention center is situated historically between the outmoded and segregated Montgomery County Courthouse jail in Rockville and the 2003 sustainably designed Montgomery County Correctional Facility in Clarksburg. It was subsequently enlarged and modernized during three successive decades and now awaits partial demolition for redevelopment by the county. The detention center occupies a key transitional period, documenting modernist transformations in prison design, standards and practices, the realities of public funding and support, and the experiences of prison life, such as chronic overcrowding, mental illness and alcoholism, juvenile detention and inmate violence.
Register for this free presentation at peerlessrockville.org, or with course #27892 at www.rockvillemd.gov/registration.
Glenview-Peerless Series to Explore the Montgomery County Detention Center
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