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Glenview-Peerless Speaker Series Explores Lynchings in Montgomery County

The Glenview Mansion and Peerless Rockville Speaker Series hosts “The Three Reported Lynchings in Montgomery County,” with Sarah Hedlund and Tony Cohen, at 7 p.m. Thursday, July 14, at Glenview Mansion at Rockville Civic Center Park, 603 Edmonston Drive.

Montgomery History archivist Sarah Hedlund will discuss the three documented cases of lynching in Montgomery County: George Peck and John Diggs-Dorsey in 1880, and Sidney Randolph in 1896. The victims, all Black men in their 20s, were accused of rape or murder, removed from custody in the middle of the night and suffered a brutal death by groups of white men. Each was denied protection and never received a fair trial.

Hedlund will present comprehensive narratives of the events based on hundreds of digitized newspaper accounts. The stories are supported by quotes, in-person reporting, period maps, photographs and genealogical research. The Montgomery County Lynching Memorial Project will also present on its remembrance events and efforts.

The presentation is free. Register at

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