Rockville Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Glenn Maggard (above, center, with Zoë Goodson, a regulatory and compliance engineer with the Maryland Department of the Environment, at left, and Assistant Superintendent James Boone, at right) accepted on behalf of the city the Silver Drop Award, celebrating 25 years of membership in the Chesapeake Section of the American Water Works Association.
The water treatment plant also received the Gold Award from the Maryland Department of the Environment for “Outstanding Efforts Towards Optimizing Overall Plant Performance,” in August at the 2024 Chesapeake Tri-Association Conference.
Yaolin Fennell, a principal civil engineer in the Department of Public Works, presented “A Lead and Copper Rule Service Line Inventory Through a Digital Approach: A Case Study from the City of Rockville, Maryland” along with city consultant CDM Smith.
Learn more about the city’s approach to the Environmental Protection Agency’s new Lead and Copper Rule Revisions at www.rockvillemd.gov/lcrr and more about Rockville’s water at www.rockvillemd.gov/water and www.rockvillemd.gov/waterquality.