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Got Good Neighbors? Let Us Know!

Rockville is a city of good neighbors. The city is seeking nominations, through 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16, for its Good Neighbor Awards. The program recognizes community members who are unselfishly giving back and improving quality of life in their neighborhoods through good deeds or community service.

The program is designed to honor those who make a difference in our community without seeking or receiving recognition for their service. Nominees are sought in two divisions: adult and youth.

Past honorees have included community members who beautified their neighborhoods, cleared snow and looked out for neighbors, and volunteered for community organizations. To learn more about them, visit and search “good neighbor.”

Award nominees cannot be employed by the City of Rockville, must be a City of Rockville resident and must have made a significant contribution to an individual or their community during the 2020 calendar year. Recipients will be honored at a Mayor and Council meeting on a date to be determined.

For nomination forms and more information, visit

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