The Mayor and Council held a budget public hearing on Oct. 28 where community members offered ideas for the city’s Fiscal Year 2026 operating budget and Capital Improvements Program.
The proposed FY26 budget will be posted to the city’s website on Friday, March 7, with budget work sessions and additional public hearings to follow in the spring.
Public participation in the budget process is a high priority for the Mayor and Council and city staff. The community budget priorities survey is available online in English, Spanish and Simplified Chinese. Survey responses provide valuable input to the Mayor and Council for their budget discussions. The Mayor and Council would like to see all parts of the city represented in survey responses.
The Oct. 28 staff report to the Mayor and Council includes an interim report of the survey results as of Oct. 15, as well as a summary of public testimony and exhibits for proposed project submissions from community groups and individuals. Submissions are shared with staff as part of the budget process. Find video of the public hearing and the staff report with the Oct. 28 meeting listing at www.rockvillemd.gov/AgendaCenter.
The Mayor and Council are scheduled to adopt the budget on Monday, May 5. FY26 begins Tuesday, July 1.