Learn to interact better with people with dementia and learn about hearing-loss options, heart health and the prostate this February at the Rockville Senior Center.
Register at the senior center’s information desk by calling 240-314-8800, or with the course number at www.rockvillemd.gov/ registration.
Dementia-friendly Initiative
Community members can often feel awkward when communicating with someone living with dementia, and may experience unnecessary discomfort when running errands, dining out and attending community events. With this free training, from 1-2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12, gain new skills and resources to effectively continue work and other activities while helping those with dementia. Conducted by Nancy Epstein, of JK House of Grace, a qualified Dementia Friends community educator and part of Montgomery County’s Dementia Friendly Initiative. Register with course #11524.
Hearing Loss
In a free session, from 1-2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4, Lisa Yuan and Christy Gavitt will share their personal experiences with hearing loss, and the strategies and tools, including assistive devices, that help them remain engaged and productive. Both presenters are Network of Community Assistive Technology Trainers — volunteers who go out in the community to educate people about hearing-loss resources and tools to enhance the ability to understand speech in different settings. Yuan works at the National Institutes of Health Communications and wears a cochlear implant and hearing aid; Gavitt is a global health consultant and wears hearing aids. Register with course #11522.
Heart Health
A basic overview of how to prevent and manage symptoms and/or conditions related to heart health through diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. There will also be a heart-healthy bingo activity that will go over different facts about heart health. Presented by Adventist HealthCare from 1-2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13. Register with course #11525.
Update on Prostate Health
When is a prostate exam necessary? What does an elevated PSA mean? What treatment options are available for prostate cancer? Learn how to maintain a healthy prostate with urologist Mark Rosenblum with this free seminar, 1-2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27. Register with course #11587.
Ongoing Skin Clinic
Held the second Friday of each month. Appointments required. Medicare/insurance will be billed. Call 1-877- 345-5300 for appointment, see Betty in the health room, or call her at 240-314-8803.
Memory Café
Free sessions for people living with early-stage memory loss to connect with one another through social events promoting interaction and companionship. Contact Sheila Griffith at 240-844-3608 or [email protected] before attending. Bring a bag lunch. Noon-1 p.m. Mondays, Feb. 3 and 24. Register with course #11539
Hearing, Heart and Prostate Health at the Senior Center
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