When the post-holiday cleanup begins, remember: Rockville collects and recycles electronics, such as cell phones, computers, televisions and holiday lights through requests for special collections, and collects Christmas trees as part of its recycling and trash collection.
Getting rid of old batteries? Don’t dispose of them in your trash or recycling cart, where they could start a fire. Instead, bring batteries of any size to the household hazardous waste drop-off at the county transfer station at 16105 Frederick Road.
Find more information, including locations that accept batteries for recycling, at bit.ly/BatteryDisposal.
For more information about how Rockville recycles, including printable holiday schedule calendars for your collection day, visit www.rockvillemd.gov/recycling-trash. For a bulk waste or electronics recycling collection appointment, select “Bulk Waste” or “Electronics & Metal” from the red sidebar at the left of the webpage.