The City of Rockville’s Historic District Commission will hold a virtual public hearing to review the county’s plans to partially demolish the detention center at 1307 Seven Locks Road, in part as a first step toward potentially relocating a Montgomery County Public Schools bus depot from 16651 Crabbs Branch Way, in Derwood, among other uses.
The HDC review, at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 17, will only address and evaluate the historical significance of the demolition of no-longer-used additions at the facility.

According to the county’s Fiscal Year 2023 capital budget, the preliminary plans include demolition of several structures and “planning, design, and renovation/modification” of the facility, built in 1961.
Future construction onsite will require an advance review from the City of Rockville’s Planning Commission to ensure conformance with the city’s Comprehensive Plan.
The Montgomery County Department of General Services briefed the Mayor and Council on the county’s plans for the 25.8-acre site on Feb. 28.
View the city’s staff report accompanying the Mayor and Council agenda item or watch the discussion.
Find more information about:
• The county project.
• The MCPS Bus Depot Maintenance and Relocation CIP.
For full details on how to take part, see the Historic District Commission agenda, posted a few days ahead of the public hearing, at
Written testimony and exhibits may be submitted, no later than Tuesday, March 8, by email to [email protected] or by mail to Sheila Bashiri, Preservation Planner, Rockville Historic District Commission, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville MD 20850.
To sign up to testify virtually during the hearing, send your name to [email protected], no later than 9 a.m. the day of the meeting.
To practice responsible social distancing, meetings are conducted by teleconference and broadcast on Rockville 11, channel 11 on county cable, livestreamed at, and available a day after each meeting at