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It’s an Election Year for Rockville: What You Need to Know Now About Voting for a Mayor and Council

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The City of Rockville will hold a vote-by-mail election in November this year — with a few important changes, including more members of the city council to elect, two Election Day Vote Centers and several additional ballot drop-off locations.

Voters will have the opportunity to elect seven members of the city’s elected body — for mayor and six council members — following a unanimous vote Feb. 6 by the Mayor and Council on a resolution to add two seats to the council.

Ballots will be mailed to all registered voters who live within Rockville city limits. All ballots must be received by 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 7. Voters will be able to vote by mail, in person at the two Election Day Vote Centers on Nov. 7, or at an election drop box.

If voting by mail, voters can return their ballots in the provided envelope by prepaid mail or by delivering them to a secure ballot drop box.

Voters can cast their ballots at vote centers on Election Day, Nov. 7, at either City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave., or Thomas Farm Community Center, 700 Fallsgrove Drive. The vote centers will be open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. on Election Day only.

Voters will be able to drop off their ballots at boxes inside the Rockville Senior Center, 1150 Carnation Drive, Lincoln Park Community Center, 357 Frederick Ave., and Twinbrook Community and Recreation Center, 12920 Twinbrook Parkway. The boxes will be available during center hours.

In addition to a drop box outside City Hall, voters will be able to drop their ballot at a drop box outside Montrose Community Center, 451 Congressional Lane. Both will be available 24/7, beginning in late September or early October.

Key 2023 Mayor and Council election dates:

  • Monday, May 1: Candidate information election packet will be available.
  • On or before Friday, Oct. 13: Ballots mailed to registered voters.
  • Tuesday, Oct. 17: Deadline to register to vote or update voter registration.
  • Tuesday, Nov. 7: Election Day. Completed ballots must be received by 8 p.m. in person at City Hall or by mail.

For more information, visit or email [email protected].

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